Gravity Battery : Will It Rule The World?


What is Gravity Battery?


A gravity battery is a type of energy storage device that stores gravitational energy, the energy stored in an object resulting from a change in height due to gravity, also called potential energy. A gravity battery works by using excess energy from the grid to raise a mass to generate gravitational potential energy, which is then dropped to convert potential energy into electricity through an electric generator. Energy generated from a gravity battery is a form of sustainable energy.


Gravity Battery
Gravity Battery : Visual Reprensentation


Types of Gravity Batteries


#1 Large Scale Batteries (PSH)

Pumped-storage hydroelectricity (PSH) is the most widely used and highest-capacity form of grid-energy storage. In PSH, water is pumped from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir, which can then be released through turbines to create energy. An alternative PSH proposal uses a proprietary high-density liquid, 2+12 times denser than water, which requires a smaller head (elevation) and thus decreases the size and cost of the necessary infrastructure.



#2 Small Scale Batteries

Gravity Light is a small gravity-powered light that operates by manually lifting a bag of rocks or sand up and then letting it fall by itself to generate energy. It is designed as an alternative for those who do not have access to electricity and typically rely on kerosene lamps, which are expensive, dangerous, and polluting.



What will be effect on environment?

Gravity batteries are designed to be paired with renewable energy solutions whose sources (sunlight, wind, etc) are frequently variable and do not necessarily coincide with demand. It is hoped that they will have a better long term cost than chemical batteries, while having fewer environmental issues than other traditional storage solutions such as pumped-water storage. It is anticipated that gravity battery systems will be able to quickly provide power during peak consumption which may allow them to supplement or replace fossil fuel peaking power plants. Single weight systems are expected to be able to achieve full power generation in less than a second.


The United States based Corporation; Gravity Power is working on a system, the system will use storage of large amount of water underground and uses that water to move a huge piston up and down to store energy. As per the calculations to generate a 6.4 giga watts-hour of energy a piston of 8 million tones will be required which is a huge mass.



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