World’s First Space Hotel Expected To Open In 2027 'Voyager Station'
The idea of a hotel in space is not a new one. Humanity collectively and individually has long dreamed of leaving our atmosphere and combining it with one of our favorite activities vacation seems like a perfect match soon. That dream is set to become a reality well providing you're very wealthy. The project set to make this dream come true for a lucky few is the voyager space station hotel which is currently in the serious planning stages despite a few delays. The hotel is expected to begin construction in 2026 and could be open for business as early as 2027.
The designs of voyager are based on Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 a space odyssey but not in the way you might think. Designers of the voyager station say Kubrick’s design was intentionally sterile and isolating and they want to go down exactly the opposite road creating a homely but fashionable space location that will feel somewhat normal in its more conventional hotel attributes, the beds and showers for example won't be particularly spacey. The hotel will be designed and built by the same people behind the space station itself. The orbital assembly corporation the main draw naturally will be the incredible views out of the window but the hotel is intended to have plenty of elements of luxury too.
Early drawings show a structure that looks a lot like a Ferris wheel with individual pod rooms evenly spaced around it offering the ultimate in private rooms with that view outside the pods visitors will have plenty of entertainment options including a 400 person viewing spot large enough to host everyone on board including the staff which will be combined with a lounge and bar facilities will also include a spa, a gym themed restaurants and even a concert venue to enjoy from up on high all of which can be taken in while.
The hotel circles around the globe in orbit at a rapid pace of a complete circle of the planet. Every 90 minutes themed restaurants will play on a few space tropes including making dried ice cream available to guests, though the restaurants are expected to be high-end despite the novelty elements with top chefs on board there'll be no burgers and fries the company behind the project has joked some of the other facilities seem somewhat bizarre in context. The designs also feature a library and cinema for example and while they're no doubt nice to have catching the latest blockbuster or sticking your nose in the pages of a novel seeing poor uses of time spent orbiting the earth to us.
World’s First Space Hotel Expected To Open In 2027 'Voyager Station'
One key aspect of the project will be the use of centrifugal force to simulate gravity in order to do this the whole circular hotel will spin as it orbits generating an outward force that will act in place of gravity this is necessary because a lot of guests may have trouble withstanding anti-gravity as a permanent part of the experience something for which astronauts undertake substantial training gravity on board will be roughly equivalent to moon gravity so there will be a substantial change for guests to cope with that said the level of gravity will vary depending on your location in the hotel.
As designer Tim Alatorre explains the station rotates pushing the contents of the station out to the perimeter of the station much in the way that you can spin a bucket of water the water pushes out into the bucket and stays in place. He says near the center of the station there's no artificial gravity but as you move down the outside of the station the feeling of gravity increases low gravity activities will be held near the center then including game like basketball which explore the extra bounce and leap available in space as well as the facilities for guests. The hotel has serious self-sufficiency requirements and will dedicate substantial space to things like water air and power systems as well as space dedicated to the crew that operate the hotel.
A sought after job in the coming years we suspect not all of the hotel is going to be available to the public and equally of course most of the public aren't going to be able to afford to visit the hotel while the super rich enjoy what will undoubtedly be one of the most unique and in-demand holiday experiences on offer some governments and even wealthy private individuals will be able to buy stakes for more permanent options on a stay to be used for anything from training to scientific work to the most unlikely of holiday homes getting to the voyager of course will be another major undertaking guests will have to travel on the spaceX starship shuttle to get to their holiday location and that means a period of training before a visit can be made it will also inevitably mean restrictions on the health and fitness of guests wishing to participate first indications of the cost of the stay are hefty to say the least with reservations for a stay of just three days said to be going at around the 5 million mark for context. This could be a whole lot worse the first would-be space flight crew made up of private citizens each paid 55 million dollars a ticket for axiom spaces trip with just three buyers taking up the option at that price to travel to the international space station for eight days and scheduled to launch in 2022.
World’s First Space Hotel Expected To Open In 2027 'Voyager Station'
There are other companies looking to get into the space travel for ordinary people game too with virgin galactic and Elon musk's spaceX also on a somewhat similar path to the voyager project there are even likely to be more versions of the voyager as well with the makers saying that once in place the hotel could be really lucrative and that's already led to interest in building second versions from other buyers even the competition won't push prices down to affordable levels for most of us for some time though there are naturally huge build costs associated with this kind of project and the transport rates aren't exactly affordable either for the foreseeable future this is certainly a holiday for the ultra wealthy oh and if you are in that category a word of warning before you splash out once the trips go on sale aurora hotel an exclusive previous plan for a space hotel from a different company was supposed to launch in 2021 and take customers into space from 2022. But hasn't got past the concept stage yet it's very possible that a 2027 date might just be a touch unrealistic eventually though the voyager team hopes that a trip to space will become more in the realms of realism for everyday people more like an expensive trip to a high-end theme park or a plush beach resort we're trying to make the public realize that this golden age of space travel is just around the corner it's coming it's coming fast orbital assembly corporation head John Blinkout told CNN sadly for most of us it might not be affordable in our lifetimes but the excitement is real we can picture the punny advertising slogans now the only hotel that's out of this world but would you go if the prices became affordable?