How to Protect Your Smartphone From Hackers?

How to Protect Your Smartphone From Hackers?


Don’t download APKs from unknown sources.

The full form of APK is an Android Application Package. APK is the application file type used among Android, as well as a wide range in much other Android-based operating application in mobile phones, video games & middleware for distribution and installation. APK is similar to other Microsoft Windows software packages such as Debian package or APPX in Debian based software applications. Right Now there are many Potential Harmful Applications (PHAs) are available on internet that are not trusted and not authenticated. And these unverified applications may contain phishing links. A single click on suspicious link can transmit your personal data to hackers and this is how someone can misuse your data. When installing applications from unknown sources, it is difficult for a normal Android user to guarantee the APK which has been sourced is legitimate when downloaded from the internet, even those coming via community-trusted repositories. In this we would like to suggest turn off INSTALL FROM UNKNOWN SOURCES to avoid random apps to be installed automatically. Don’t click suspicious link and don’t go to random sites. Make sure APK should be downloaded from Google Playstore, but there are some applications like betting apps that not available on Google Playstore, in this try to install APK from the official website.



Encrypt Your Device

Now day’s mobile manufacturers provide encryption feature as inbuilt feature of devices but there are some smartphone manufacturers that provides this feature as elective. In this case ensure that encryption settings should be enabled on your phone. If your phone is not in encrypted mode and lock screen feature is enabled even in this case someone can access your data by connecting to a laptop/mobile. But if your smartphone is encrypted, no one can access your data. If you enable encryption feature then after unlocking, device will decrypt your data and it will take some time. But it is much safe. 



Never Use Public Network or Open Wi-Fi

If you are using a public network then there is possibility that your traffic is being monitored. Your credentials, bank details or other sensitive information may be compromised, so try not to use public network. At some time public network may be useful depending on the situation but always try not to use public network. In exigency, use VPN services when browsing through unknown networks. Networking experts suggest enabling two step authentication feature which uses OTP (one time password) to access data/app. 


How To Protect Your Smartphone From Hackers?
How To Protect Your Smartphone From Hackers?


Use Open Source Texting Apps like Telegram/Signal

It protects your privacy more than other texting apps. You can login to your account simultaneously through multiple devices; it is a multi-data infrastructure feature open source. Consider, if your phone is lost then you can login to your account through different mobile/laptop to access or delete your data/credentials.



Revoke Unnecessary Permissions

Today playstore is full of multiple applications that need various permissions in order to function. For instance, your calculator may needs permission to access your contact details, location etc. to function. Now use your common sense why calculator needs these details? There will be something phishing and you should aware of this. At this stage we would like to suggest don’t permit any application blindly and also use as less apps as possible. Disable the permission to app that you believe is not necessary to application. Try to limit network functionality for the apps. We strongly suggest using of PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) instead of full apps. Because PWAs provides you features like browsing and it will save storage an also they don’t require your permission like YouTube or Instagram. 



Avoid Same Passwords Everywhere

One account hacked may  lead to compromise of other accounts as well. It is not a good practice to use same password everywhere. In 2011, Sony Playstation Network was hacked and also the credentials for user were leaked even the credit card details and about 77 million users were targeted. Take a extra step and use different password of different platform.



Selling Your Phone

Factory reset still leaves traces data that can be recovered. Many tools are available to the companies that can recover your data. In this case try to sell your cell phone to a known person.


Your Android Phone may be attacked or hacked. These are some safety tips that reduces the possibility. 


Keywords : security of data, security of cloud computing, security of information.


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