How To Treat Cancer With Nano-micelles?
Technology is taking us continuously to new level every time. We have studied about classical mechanics (Newton Era), cosmology, modern physics – all these are different phases of our study with this how can we forget medical science. With the time technology had evolved itself; medical science had also evolved with time.
Today medical science had changed our live in various ways. Once there was time when people were afraid of disease like TB, small Pox etc. Now our medical sciences have evolved so much that treatment of cancer is even possible. But there are some restrictions. Amid these new research of nano-miscelles can play a key role which may lead to revolution in medical world.
Nano-micelles are hydrophilic outer shell and hydrophobic interior, making them perfect carriers for delivering drug molecules.
With the growing field of nanotechnology researchers are exploring how to use nano particles for efficient drug delivery. Nano-micelles are extremely small structures like nano-shells and nano vesicles and have created identity as emerging platform in some specialized therapy. The dual property i.e. hydrophilic outer shell and hydrophobic interior of globular structures nano-micelles make them perfect carrier for drug molecules. Docetaxel, a drug which is commonly used in treatment of various cancers like break, colon and lung cancer, will be delivered by nano-micelles created by a multi-institutional team.
“The ideal goal for cancer therapy is destroying the cancer cells without harming healthy cells of the body, and chemotherapeutics approved for treatment of cancer are highly toxic. The currently use docetaxel is highly hydrophobic drug and is dissolved in a chemical mixture (polysorbate-80 & alcohol). This aggravates its toxic effects on liver blood cells, and lungs. So, there was an urgent and unmet need to develop effective drug delivery vehicles for docetaxel without these side effects” explains Avinash Bajaj, from Laboratory of Nanotechnology and Chemical Biology at Regional Center for Biotechnology, Faridabad.
The nano-micelles are stable at room temperature and are less than 100 nm. Once injected intravenously these nano-micelles can easily escape the circulation and enter the solid tumors where the blood vessels are found to be leaky. These leakage is absent in healthy organ.
With the advancement in nanotechnology we can say that we are going to see next level of medical science.